Compact unit for biological treatment of wastewater using granular activated sludge.
GRASS® allows the production of stable granular activated sludge in biological tanks of any shape. GRASS® is therefore suitable for new plant construction as well as for revamping.
Curious to know more? Read on!
What are "granules"?
The granules are aggregates of bacteria with high purifying performances that agglomerate to form “beads” whose settling speed is much higher than the classical flocs of an activated sludge.
Who the technology is for GRASS® ?
Initially designed for effluents from the food industry, it is also very well suited for effluents from the wood industry as well as the return juices from anaerobic digesters, but also for normally concentrated urban water.
What are the interests of the GRASS® technology ?
We offer GRASS® technology to customers who want to optimize the operation and operating costs of their biological treatment plant.
Indeed, the technology GRASS® allows to :
- increase the treatment capacity of a wastewater treatment plant
- increase the removal of certain pollutants (N and P)
- eradicate filamentous bacteria and considerably increase the settling speed of the biology.
The process also makes water treatment less energy intensive. A 30% reduction of your energy consumption is possible!
In summary:
- Significant savings on the sludge dewatering process (better dryness, less volume to be evacuated with less reagent);
- Treat more pollution in a given volume (up to 5 x more pollution treated in a given volume) or treat the same pollution in a smaller volume (up to 5 x smaller);
- Avoiding filamentous bacteria proliferation episodes without adding reagents;
- Improve and secure the quality of the discharge significantly (COD, SS, N and P), even in case of temporary pollution overload;
- And therefore save on the tax for industrial water discharge;
- To have a superior quality of treated water facilitating and reducing the costs of re-use of water.

How do you know if GRASS® technology will work for you?
To know if you can easily develop a granular biology on your effluent, we can carry out a diagnosis of the latter. We realize 4 types of them:

SILVER Version
Silver = Effluent characterization

GOLD version
Gold = SILVER + biodegradability test

Platinium = GOLD + pilot test in
laboratory for 2 to 3 months

DIAMOND version
Diamond = GOLD + pilot test on site with a container for 4 to 6 months